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  • The Shades Co
    • Motorized Shades ➭
      • Motorized blinds are a convenient way to control the amount of light that enters a room. With the touch of a button, you can open and close the blinds to let in natural sunlight or block it out completely

    • Roller Shades ➭
      • Available in a variety of fabrics and materials and fully adjustable as all of our rollers are, our blackouts give you the choice of quickly transforming your home to a soothing midnight whenever you feel the need for complete peace and quiet.

    • Solar Shades ➭
      • At Shadesco, we don’t believe that motorized solar shades have to be the cold, industrial feature that may otherwise mar the beauty of your living/working space.

    • Roman Shades ➭
      • Our Roman Shades are easy to use and offer excellent light control. With one of the largest selections of fabrics in the New York City area, we have something to appeal to almost anyone’s taste.

    • Cellular/Pleated Shades ➭
      • If you love the look of honeycomb shades but not necessarily need the insulation benefits, pleated shades will be your winner! We carry a wide selection of colors and fabric patterns. You can use pleated shades to provide light defusing, privacy or room darkening.

    • Woven Shades ➭
      • Woven shades can provide the “finished look” to your home that says natural beauty, sophistication and functionality. Warm and family friendly, woven shades come in a variety of natural finishes and cordless control is also available for more active households with children or pets.

    • Wood Blinds ➭
      • All of our wood blinds can be custom fit and installed to compliment any size opening and provide that soothing touch of elegance along with all the fingertip touch, sunlight control that you require to make your interiors glow.

    • Vertical Blinds ➭
      • Easy to custom fit and install, verticals blinds will give your rooms the simple but precise light control you need along with the sharp style you desire.

    • Aluminum Blinds ➭
      • A smart, economical selection for any type of workspace, aluminum is always a popular choice for your window treatment needs. Horizontal blinds or venetian blinds will always give your interiors the comfort you want along with that comforting minimalist look of maximum efficiency.

    • Window Shutters & Blinds ➭
      • Eco-friendly and energy efficient thanks to the excellent insulation they provide, our window shutters blinds also come in both natural wood and recyclable polymer finishes, each of which will last for years as they perennially retain both their beauty and their utility.

    • Custom Curtain ➭
      • When it comes to finding curtains and draperies in NYC, The Shade Company is your best resource. We’re proud to carry a large selection of various fabrics and styles in order to give you the elegant, casual, chic, contemporary, traditional or other look you’re after.

    • Motorized Curtains & Drapes ➭
      • We offer few brands of Motorized Curtains and Drapes for your window options. We offer customization options for all of our products. Measuring & installation as well as motorization options are available.

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Keep Your Shades and Blinds in Top Shape With These Tips

Shades and blinds offer a nice alternative to the standard curtains when decorating your windows. However, unlike regular curtains, they can be harder to maintain. So, here are a few tips to make sure that these are in tip top shape.

Buying your blinds and shades

Before you can even shop around, consider how much time you are actually willing to spend on cleaning them. Vinyl shades, in particular, require more effort in washing than regular curtains, since you have to hand-wash them. On the other hand, fabric shades have to be regularly vacuumed in order to remove the dust and dirt that accumulates. The same level of care must also be accorded to blinds, as the slats on these also tend to attract a lot more dirt and grime.

Another consideration to keep in mind is safety. Shades and blinds often have some sort of mechanism to get to draw them open or close. These can be easily damaged if handled roughly, so make sure that what you get is a sturdy one. Also, if you have kids around the house, opt for cordless blinds to prevent them from playing with the controls and damaging these.

Cleaning your window treatment

As have been reiterated several times already, shades and blinds require a dedicated amount of care to make sure that they are in good condition. The type of cleaning care you do depends on the material the window treatment is made of.

For metal or vinyl blinds, you can quickly remove dirt by mixing 1 teaspoon of ammonia to a quart of water. While wearing gloves, run the solution on each slat. To do a complete cleaning, you will have to take the whole thing off the window. Put into a tub and clean thoroughly with either the above solution or with warm, soapy water. Rinse and thoroughly dry with a clean sponge.

When shades made of paper or parchment, dry cleaning is the only option you have. Use a feather duster or a dedicated paint brush to lightly dust off the dirt that has accumulated. For shades made of tougher material, you are free to use mild cleaning solutions like the one above.

Some maintenance tips

For manual shades and blinds, the drawing cords are the part that most commonly wear down first. To fix this, take down the whole shade and inspect the metal eyelets which hole the cords in place, as these are where wear usually occur. Replace any eyelet that has rough insides and re-string the cords. In case these still wear out, purchase a stronger set of cords.

In case your shades down fold up evenly, this might be due to the stiffness of the fabric. To soften, extend it fully and use a steamer on the fabric. Once done, fold the shade the way you want and again use the steamer to set the folds in.

Need more tips in keep your shades and blinds in good condition? Contact us today and we will gladly share a bunch of them to you.

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